"For Such A Time As This" (Esther 4:14)

"For Such A Time As This" (Esther 4:14)

Kingdoms in Conflict

I noted in my previous post regarding the Biblical doctrine of the sovereignty of God, that despite being one of the major themes found in the Bible, it is an immensely challenging and controversial doctrine, being opposed and denied by both professing Christians and non-Christians alike.  I commented however that I found it to be one of the most glorious and comforting truths revealed in scripture. Thus, I had planned in this post to provide a brief apologetic or defense of my position.  However, I believe it would be of first importance to examine what I believe to be the foundational reason as to why this glorious truth of the sovereignty of God is so vehemently opposed and rejected by so many.

During the 1770s, lining the streets of Boston were signs that read: “We serve no sovereign here.” This was the motto of the American people in their revolt against the tyrannical rule of the King of England as their governing authority.  While our founding fathers found this revolt justifiable, and admittedly there are times it is necessary to resist true tyranny and oppression, all of mankind has lived by this motto in regards to God’s sovereign rule over our lives and over His world ever since the initial revolt of Adam in the Garden of Eden.

The desire in the sinful human heart for autonomy (self-rule) is clearly expressed in a poem titled Invictus written in the 19th Century by William Earnest Henley when he writes in the final stanza:

“It matters not how strait the gate

How charged with punishments the scroll

I am the master of my fate

I am the captain of my soul”

 This sentiment did not originate in the pen of William Earnest Henley.  It did not even originate with a man.  It originated in the heart and mind of an angel, a perfect and holy angel, who left his first estate as a servant of God to man, rejecting his subjection to the person and purposes of God, rebelling against God’s sovereign rule over his life (Isaiah 14:12-15). And then, being cast from his lofty position down to the earth, he proceeds to inflame that same prideful rebellion in the hearts of men and women created in the image and likeness of God.  This being is identified in the Bible as Satan or the devil who we are told has the whole world under his deceiving, blinding influence (Revelation 12:7-9), (Ephesians 2:2-3).

Satan’s sphere or realm of influence and control is referred to in the Bible as the kingdom of darkness, or Satan’s kingdom (Matthew 12:25-26).  It is a spiritual reality, essentially a shadow government which influences and manipulates the governments, nations and peoples of this present world to operate in opposition to the person and purposes of Almighty God.  It is referred to as the kingdom of darkness, as Satan uses both his demonic and human subjects in this world to do everything possible to keep mankind estranged and alienated from God, blinding us to the reality of the glory and grace of the one true God (2 Corinthians 4:3-4), and His worthiness to be known, loved, trusted, obeyed and worshiped above all of His creation.

The Bible reveals that ever since Adam and Eve’s rejection of God’s rule over their lives, every person is born into the world as a citizen of the kingdom of darkness, with the same rebellious nature and character of its ruler, Satan (1 John 3:10), opposing the person and purposes of God, resisting submission to the rightful authority of God, and thus disdaining and disobeying the laws of God.

This kingdom is a man centered, pride driven, satanically influenced system of institutions and relationships that are governed by the lusts of this world (1 John 2:15-16); the passionate pursuit of possessions, power, popularity and pleasure in opposition to God, for the achievement of our own personal and private happiness independent of God.

This kingdom is temporal or temporary.  It had a beginning and will ultimately have an end, a sudden, catastrophic and horrific end that is described in (2 Peter 3:10-11) and (Revelation 20:10-15).

On the other hand, the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven is an eternal kingdom that will have no end (Daniel 7:13-14).  It will be fully consummated at the time of Jesus’ second coming when He, after destroying this sin corrupted world, will establish a new universe and earth free from the corrupting, destructive impact of the kingdom of darkness (Revelation 21:1-5).

When the Bible speaks of the Kingdom of God it is referring to both His universal and sovereign rule over all of His creation (1 Chronicles 29:11), as well as the realm of that creation (men and angels) who are in glad and willing submission to His sovereign rule (Matthew 5:3).

This Kingdom is a God centered, righteousness driven, Holy Spirit controlled system of institutions and relationships that are governed by the love of God, through the law of God, for the glory of God and for the eternal joy and pleasure and satisfaction of God’s people in Him.

The Bible clearly teaches that the only way we become citizens of the Kingdom of God, and escape the kingdom of darkness and the horrific destiny of all who are identified with it, is to repent of our rebellion and place our faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:14-15); willingly and gladly entrusting and submitting our lives to Him as our Lord and King.

We are told in Colossians 1:13-14 that when we do so we are forgiven all of our sins. and translated by God from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, where we now are considered citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20 ); children of God, heirs – beneficiaries of all that an infinitely glorious, infinitely wise, infinitely good, infinitely powerful King can and wants to do for those who willingly and gladly submit to His sovereign rule (Romans 8:16-17).

What kingdom are you in today?

Grace and Peace ×