
… Who He is, and Why He commands (and deserves) that we love, trust, and obey Him with all our heart, and soul, and mind and strength
(Mark 12:28-34) (Luke 10:25-28) (John 14:15) (1 John 4:19)
Reason 1 He is the “I AM”, the, self-existent, self-sufficient, self-determining, infinitely good, infinitely wise, infinitely powerful God – God the Son – the second person of the divine trinity, co-eternal and co-equal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, who exist as one in an eternal love relationship, a relationship in which man was created to share in as God’s beloved children.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (John 8:58) ((John 1:1-2) (John 1:14) (2 Corinthians 13:14) (John 17:22-26)
Reason 2 He is the creator and sustainer of the universe and all that is in it, most importantly mankind, whom God created in His image and likeness, so that in man and to man and through man God would display His glory, the infinite perfections of His being for our eternal joy, pleasure and satisfaction in Him.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Genesis 1:26-27) (Colossians 1:16) (Isaiah 43:7) (Psalm 16:11).
Reason 3 He is the sovereign ruler over all of His creation superintending and ordering the movements of nature and the affairs of men according to the wise counsel of His will, for His glory and for the ultimate and eternal good of those who love Him above all else.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Daniel 4:34-35) (Matthew 28:18) (Ephesians 1:11:12) (Romans 8:28)
Reason 4 He is the righteous lawgiver and just judge of men and angels, justly judging all men according to the standards of His perfect righteousness as revealed in his law and commandments. Transgression of/disobedience to those laws and commandments is referred to as “sin” for which the penalty is death, the forfeiture of the glorious life with God for which man was created, and eternal confinement to a place of punishment called Hell. The Bible makes it clear that all of mankind has sinned and are under the just judgment and condemnation of God.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Isaiah 33:22) (Romans 2:12-16) (Romans 3:23) (Ezekiel 18:20).
Reason 5 He is the “Light of the World” who came into this sin corrupted, spiritually darkened world to enlighten mankind to our fallen condition and our need for a savior, and as that savior to bring men out of that darkness into the light of the knowledge of the glory of God that has been suppressed by mankind’s sin and Satan’s deceptions
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (John 8:12) (2 Corinthians 4:3-6) (Colossians 1:12-14) (Romans 1:21) (Acts 26:18)
Reason 6 He is Immanuel – God with us – who humbles Himself and comes into this sin cursed world to save His people from their sin (His people being those for whom knowing and loving and being loved by Him is more important to them than anything else in this world). He is born supernaturally, but has an obscure beginning, being born in a stable to young parents of little means and raised in what would have been considered a town of ill repute. As an adult He is dishonored and hated by the religious leaders who will see that He dies the most disgraceful and painful death possible.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Isaiah 7:13-14) (Matthew 1:18-23) (John 1:45-46) (John 9:12-16)
Reason 7 He is the Christ – the promised/prophesized Messiah, the promised seed of the women who would destroy the works of the devil that brought sin and death into the world. He is the descendent of Abraham through whom all of the nations would be blessed; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the offspring of King David who would one day openly rule the nations. Most importantly, He is our gracious and merciful Savior who as a man would accomplish everything necessary to save/redeem believing men and women from the power of sin over their lives and from the eternal judgment of God for their sin and restore to them spiritual life in union with Him.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Genesis 3:15) (Genesis 12:1-3) (Luke 24:25-27) (Matthew 16:13-16) (1 John 3:8) (Ephesians 2:4-7) (John 20:31)
Reason 8 He is the “second Adam”, who as a man, perfectly fulfilled the righteous requirements of God’s law necessary for a person to be declared righteous by God, qualified to enter and dwell in His Holy presence (Heaven). He does so on behalf of all who will repent of their sin and in faith entrust their lives to Him.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Romans 5:12-21) (Psalm 24:3-6) (Romans 3:21-26) (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Reason 9 He is both the “good shepherd’ who would lay down His life for His sheep, those who would hear His voice and follow Him, and the “Lamb of God”, who through His sacrificial, agonizing substitutionary death on the cross “propitiates” (satisfies) God’s wrath and justice, taking upon Himself God’s just punishment (death and Hell) so that God can justly forgive the Hell deserving sins of those who in faith repent of their sin and entrust their lives to Him.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (John 10:11-28) (John 1:29-36) (Isaiah 53:4-10) (Luke 5:32)
Reason 10 He is the “Resurrection and the Life” – the one who on the bases of His sinless life, sacrificial death and miraculous resurrection earns and grants eternal life (the glorious life with God for which we were created in the beginning) to all who by faith entrust their lives to Him while in this world. At the time of his second coming, those who have done so will be resurrected, restored to the perfection of being in which man was originally created in the glorious image of God in both our soul and body, fully capable of enjoying life with God and one another as He intended.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (John 11:25-27) (John 10:10) (Titus 1:1-2) (1 John 3:2) (Philippians 3:20-21)
Reason 11 He is the Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.; the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who at His second coming, which could be any day, will put down all opposition to His rule and establish an everlasting Kingdom wherein He will reign with His redeemed people over a new earth and universe where there will be no more sin, no unrighteousness nor injustice, only everlasting peace and eternal joy. In His eternal Kingdom, Jesus will throughout the ages demonstrate the exceeding riches of His grace, fulfilling the deepest needs, desires and longings of those who loved and trusted Him above all else while in this world. The Bible tells us that He will do so in ways so wonderful and glorious that we cannot presently conceive of or imagine how glorious and wonderful our life will be with Him and one another forever.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Isaiah 9:6-7) (Daniel 7:13-14) (Revelation 19:11-16) (2 Peter 3:13) (Ephesians 2:6-7) (1 Corinthians 2:9-10) (Revelation 21)
Reason 12 He isthe eternal Son of God, precious to God the Father, loved by God the Holy Spirit, the ultimate expression of God’s love toward man, the One in whom the Father finds great pleasure for His obedience unto death, even death on the cross wherein He saves a people to the glory of God the Father, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Philippians 2:6-12). (1 Peter 2:3-5) (Matthew 3:16-17) (John 3:16)
Thus, He is the One, who for all of the reasons noted above, is to be feared and loved, trusted and obeyed, worshiped and adored as the desire of our heart and the delight of our soul by redeemed men and holy angels throughout all eternity in acknowledgement of the glory of His person (who He is in the infinite perfections of His being), and in gratitude for the eternal salvation He has graciously provided for all who have entrusted their lives to Him while in this world.
CONFIRMING BIBLE PASSAGES: (Revelation 4:4-11) (Revelation 5:8-14) (Revelation 15:1-4) (John 20:30-31)