"For Such A Time As This" (Esther 4:14)

"For Such A Time As This" (Esther 4:14)


Divine Freedom Rejoiced In

The Bible is God’s gracious self-revelation of His person and His purposes in creation.  He reveals Himself as eternal spirit, unbounded by time and space, who created man for His glory – that the infinite perfections of His being, first displayed in the natural creation, would be most profoundly and purposefully displayed in His creation

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In Praise of a MERCIFUL SAVIOR (Part 2)

God’s self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7 is referred to by one commentator as the “North Star” of the Bible, anchoring our hope in and guiding us to the one, Jesus Christ, who was sent by the Father of mercies into this world to manifest and magnify the glory of God’s mercy and grace, while upholding

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In Praise of a MERCIFUL SAVIOR (Part 1)

I now swing back from the soul sobering horror and despair of God’s certain, terrifying and just final judgment of man’s sin to the present hope and eternal joy found in God’s joyful display of divine mercy and grace in His forgiveness of that sin which we receive through faith in Jesus. (Psalm 103:8-17) (Hebrews

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“A Divine and Supernatural Light” (Part 4)

Called, predestined, elect, and chosen are all words found in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament. Throughout church history these terms have created a controversy that was ultimately crystallized into two theological schools of thought regarding how one obtains the benefits of Jesus’ redeeming work, namely what is referred to as Arminianism and the

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